"If Jesus can be resurrected, surely our society can be resurrected, and our political parties can be resurrected. It takes faith and a plan. God has a plan!"

"We have a right and a duty to ensure that special interests do not control our party and that illegitimate power centers do not form within the party through threats, bribes, or back-door deals."

While spiritual leaders concentrate on an individual's relationship with God, many are unfamiliar with an organization's need for Biblical guidance. We can help!

"Does your County or State Republican Party have a spiritual advisor?"

While this may seem absurd to party loyalists - in many cases a spiritual leader is needed to keep the Party focused. When power and politics are involved it is easy to get caught up in the moment. Peer pressure can lead even the best officeholders and candidates astray from Biblical principles. Many times it is lawyers and power brokers that will make what seems to be practical and reasonable rationalizations. Echo chambers are built and consensus can cloud judgments and reasoning. It is important to have a different perspective - one not jaded by political motivations. Politics is heavily influenced by emotion and manipulators and power brokers know very well how to play that fiddle. Many times, a spiritual advisor can bring clarity to what passions may obfuscate. In this age of division and hate, the need is great for spiritual advisors to help allow political parties to make good decisions.

Biblical Conservatism and Republican Reconstructionism can revive underperforming parties and bring passion and excitement back to a party that many may have written off. Let's develop your base!



Are the bylaws for your County or State Republican Party written for a "Leadership" organization or for an "Engagement" organization? Bylaws that are generally eight pages or less are for "Leadership" organizations where there is a high degree of trust in the leadership. "Engagement" organization bylaws are generally between twenty to forty pages long. Lots of committees are involved and lots of civic engagement is involved. Do you have the right bylaws for your County or State Party? Do you trust your leadership? Do your bylaws have penalties for your leadership if they do not follow the bylaws? We can help you decide on the type of bylaws and provide you with professionally built templates and guidance.

Throwing Your Hat into the Ring?

Are you considering throwing your hat into the ring and running for office? Are you ready to run? Are you running for the right reasons? Do you have a plan to win? Do you have a team? Can you raise money? Will you have support from your Republican Party? How will you secure endorsements?

Many new candidates leap into the unknown headfirst - without guidance, your chance of success is small, and being taken advantage of by profiteering consultants is large. Our low-cost online courses help to educate and help to prepare for success, with very little investment. Winning political races is not rocket science if you follow time-tested and proven recipes. Let us help and let us give you the confidence to win.

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